Burnell is an astrophysicist from Northern Ireland who got her BS in Natural Philosophy (i.e. Physics) from the University of Glasgow, and went on to get her PhD from the University of Cambridge in 1969. She is known for discovering the first signs of radio pulsars in 1967, which garnered her research advisor Antony Hewish the Nobel Prize in Physics, but she was not awarded it herself. This caused a large controversy over her not receiving the award despite playing one of the largest roles in the discovery, but she herself has defended the decision. She also received the Special Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics thanks to her work, which included a prize sum of £2.3 million, of which she all gave away to female and minority students wanting to become researchers in physics. In addition to this work, she has also served as the President of a few different physics societies over the years, including the Royal Astronomical Society (from 2002 - 2004) and the Institute of Physics (from 2008 - 2010).